The History of Coffee Enemas

Ever wondered how the Coffee Enema was invented?

During WWI, Germany was blockaded by the Allies, so they ended up getting very low on essential medical supplies, including painkillers – particularly Morphine. 

The Surgeons were bombarded with truck loads of wounded soldiers and they worked incredibly long hours to cope with the work load.  Doctors had to conserve morphine for surgeries, and very rarely had enough to give patients for their post-operative pain.

If soldiers suffered constipation, the nurses often gave them a water enema to get things moving.

Nurses had coffee pots going around the clock for the Doctors to help keep their energy up and keep them awake. Sometimes there was left over coffee in the pot and the nurses decided not to waste the coffee, but to use it in the enemas.  They reasoned that if the Doctors felt more energy from it, then the patients might too!  And indeed, the patients reported that the coffee enemas were giving them a lot of relief from their pain! So it became an integral part of the pain relief after surgery.

After the war, intrigued by the nurses’ experience, two German professors studied the effect of coffee enemas on lab rats. They found that the caffeine entered the liver via the portal system and caused an increased flow of bile. This bile, in turn, allowed accumulated poisons and toxins to be released and evacuated from the body.

Years later, realizing the importance of detoxification, Dr. Gerson researched and then incorporated coffee enemas into his therapy. He believed that continued ingestion of juices and enemas throughout the day was critical for the elimination of poisonous substances from the body. As he noted, “A patient is unlikely to die from cancer, but from the toxins accumulated in the body.”

Sally Hawkins

Posted in Colonics, Enema, Uncategorized

5 ways Colonics can help you lose weight!

You may already be aware that Colonics can help accelerate weight-loss, but do you know why?  Here are my 5 main reasons

  1. Removal of old Poop! It may seem obvious, but if you are constipated, bloated, or feel your waist has expanded over the years, its possible you could be carrying a few extra kgs of old matter in your colon! Its not uncommon for a client to lose between 3cm and 7cm from around their girth with one colonic session…. A quick and easy solution if you are looking for a slimmer waistline!


  1. Stimulation of the Liver. What many of you probably don’t realise is that a Colonic will massage and stimulate a lot of your internal organs, including your liver.  Your liver can dump out a lot of toxins (and sometimes fatty deposits) during a colonic.  Your liver is one of the main organs involved in elimination of toxins, hormones and fats …. So the healthier your liver is, the more effectively you can burn fat!


  1. Stimulation of the Lymphatic system. We have an internal lymphatic system located in our abdomen.  Colonics stimulate this system, encouraging it to eliminate cellular waste.  A clogged Lymphatic system leads to fluid retention and dreaded cellulite!!  My fluidy clients are always pleasantly surprized at how much fluid they release after a colonic, making them look and feel much slimmer and more toned.


  1. Rebalancing of the bowel bacteria. Research has shown that if you have too much “bad bacteria” or yeast in your colon, and not enough of the good guys, then you are more prone to weight gain.  Colonics help to rebalance your bowel flora.  This is because the cleaner your bowel is, the more your good bacteria can flourish.


  1. You will make better food choices! Of course you will!  You have just had a big clean out, and there is no way you want to go and fill your body with bad food now. You will make conscious decisions to eat healthy … at least for a while!   Colonics also help with food addictions … particularly sugar…. Which can make sticking to your food plan so much easier.


Obviously if someone is eating a junk food diet, they can’t expect Colonics to help them shift weight, but certainly if you are following a healthy lifestyle, but struggling to lose weight, then Colonics can make a big difference due to all of the effects above.  Colonics are also wonderful for those “weight loss plateaus” which can be incredibly demoralising.

Try incorporating one colonic a week for 4 weeks and see what happens!

Sally Hawkins

Posted in Colonics, Diet

Considering doing a fast?

Are you considering doing a Juice fast or Water fast?  If so, then try to avoid this common mistake!  I want to share with you the story of a man who fasted for 40 days on only water, and then came to see me on day 40 for a Colonic.

He was on his last day of fasting, and had decided to do a colonic on that day.  The reason for his fasting was because he was trying to cure his liver cancer.  When I asked him how he felt after his long fast, he told me he felt lousy, still toxic, and his bowel had barely moved the whole time.

His Colonic was incredible!  His bowel had been full of old faecal matter all this time … for 40 days!  It was all sitting in there fermenting and putrefying and causing an unnecessary toxic load.  If he had cleansed his Colon at the BEGINNING of his fast (day 1-3), his detox would have been far more effective.  Needless to say, he felt amazing after his session!

I often get clients book in for a colonic at the end of their fast, and mostly they are all holding onto old faecal matter, that should have been removed far earlier.  When there is no food going into your system, your colon does not get the message to empty…. So it all just sits there basically rotting!

So, my advice to anyone who is contemplating a fast – short or long … please make sure your bowel is moving.  Colonics are amazing for this, but if you don’t want to go down this route, then supplements like Magnesium Oxide or Cascara can be used to stimulate the bowel.

Happy Detoxing!

Sally Hawkins

Posted in Colonics, Diet, Fasting

Candida and Colonics

What is Candida?  Candida is a yeast that lives in the body … predominantly in the gut and in small amounts.  When the immune system is weak or if the ecosystem in our colon is out of balance, then Candida can overgrow causing a range of symptoms.

If you have 4 or more of the following symptoms then its highly likely you have an issue with Candida overgrowth!

  • Fatigue
  • Sugar cravings
  • Bad breath
  • White coating on the tongue
  • Brain fog, trouble concentrating,
  • Poor memory
  • Hormone imbalance
  • Muscle and Joint pain
  • Fibromyalgia/Polymyalgia
  • Low libedo
  • Chronic sinus and allergies
  • Bloating and gas
  • Irritable Bowel
  • Low immunity
  • Recurring urinary tract infections
  • Recurring thrush
  • Irritability
  • Tinea (eg jock itch, athletes foot, fungal rashes)
  • Dandruff and itchy scalp
  • Acne
  • History of repeated or prolonged antibiotic use
  • High sugar or high yeast diet

Many people try to tackle their candida issues on their own, but did you know that Colonics can help speed up the process of Candida elimination?

Candida lives mostly in the large bowel – which can effectively be cleaned out with Colonics.  So, although you may be eating the right things and taking the right herbs, if you are not having regular colonics you are missing out on a hugely effective way of eliminating large amounts of Candida in one session!

In my clinic I recommend a colonic once a week for the first 4 weeks whilst following a strict Candida diet with herbal supplements.  The result of this is that Candida is eliminated far quicker than could normally be achieved without colonics.

When following a Candida protocol it is also vital that you are having a bowel movement daily.  If this is not happening, then the toxicity from the Candida dying off is stuck in the colon and reabsorbs through the gut lining back into the bloodstream – thereby making you feel very unwell, and slowing results significantly.

If anyone is struggling with Candida, I strongly recommend making contact with your nearest Colon Hydrotherapy Centre.  I welcome those living on or around the Gold Coast to contact me if they need help.  Colonics are a fantastic adjunctive to the whole process, and I can help you along with way by providing a diet plan, supplements and as much support as you need
Yours in Health!

Sally Hawkins

Posted in Candida, Colonics, Diet

Should we Sit or Squat?

One of the many things we learned about in Colon Hydrotherapy training was the correct way to “poop”.  This may seem outrageous to many of you, but sitting down on our comfortable Western style thrones is not the most effective way to evacuate … and in fact, may actually be doing us harm!

Before Western toilets were invented (back in the Industrial Revolution when it was deemed more “dignified” to sit on a throne style loo than to squat), we squatted when we needed to poop – this opened up the valves through our intestines, and straightened up the anal canal so our waste could move through freely.

The following diagram shows the difference between sitting and squatting, and what it does to our anal canal.

In Diagram one (the seated position), you can see that the rectum is kinked, making it harder to passes faeces.  In Diagram 2 (squat position), the rectum is straight, making it a lot easier to pass a stool.

Sit or Squat

The problem gets worse the shorter you are.  If a tall person sits on the loo, and their knees are higher than  their hips, the rectum will be in a straighter position, but for shorter people, and particularly children, the choking of the anal canal can be a big issue.

I am not advocating getting up onto our toilets and squatting to have a good bowel movement –  but it’s a good idea to keep a small stool next to your toilet, so you can raise your feet, and have your knees higher.  Try it and see if you notice an improvement in your movements!

Posted in Colonics

Colonics and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

One common question I get asked from clients is “Can Colonics help my IBS?”
And the answer is – Yes, colonics can definitely be beneficial for IBS sufferers. It certainly can alleviate the common symptoms such as bloating, distended abdomen, and alternating constipation and diarrhea. In fact sufferers often get instant relief and feel like their bowel feels “normal” again for a period of time after a colonic.
However, we must remember that although your tummy may feel better after a colonic, we need to work out the underlying cause of why the bowel is irritated. The medical world will often tell IBS sufferers that there is no cure, and that it is probably stress related. However, in my practise, I often find that stress is not the main issue – and there are usually many things we can do with diet and supplementation to help bring the colon back into balance.
The great thing about having a colonic, is that I am able to see exactly the state of your “poop”! Is it digested properly? Is there evidence of too much yeast in the colon? Is there a lot of mucus which may indicate a food intolerance or something else irritating the bowel?
Most of the time, IBS sufferers have one or more of the following situations going on …
1. Not digesting their food properly, leading to fermentation of the food in the gut and therefore gas and bloating
2. Undiagnosed food intolerances which are literally “irritating” the gut on the way through causing constipation, diarrhea, spasming and bloating
3. Too much yeast in the colon – again causing constipation, diarrhea, bloating and often a host of other unexplained symptoms.
4. Parasites or “bad bugs” in the colon – which again can cause a lot of discomfort in the colon.
5. Lack of beneficial bacteria in the colon which can cause mostly constipation, but also bloating and discomfort.
6. Impacted faeces in the colon – this is the “old stuff” which may be stuck on the colon wall or in various pockets. This old stuff can sit and ferment for years causing many IBS symptoms.
7. The Bowel is too “alkaline”. Normally we think of being alkaline as a good thing, but if the bowel is too alkaline it can cause a problem known as “Putrefactive fermentation” – this is often seen in people who have been on low carbohydrate diets for a long period. The bowel needs fibre from certain carbohydrates to keep the pH balance right. Putrefactive fermentation can cause bloating and gas.
If you are an IBS sufferer and are looking for answers, finding a good Colon Therapist is a great first step. Cleansing the colon, and removing any old waste can do wonders for an unhappy bowel, but if it’s not enough, then a change of diet and perhaps a parasite/yeast cleanse and reinoculation of good bacteria may need to be implemented. Further testing such as Food Intolerance Testing or Comprehensive Stool testing may also be required.

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Posted in Colonics

The trouble with Diet drinks

Back in my early 20s (before I knew much about good health), I was addicted to Diet Coke – and in fact used to drink 1.5 litres of the stuff every day! I also suffered from bad health – headaches daily, chronic fatigue, and lots of weird neurological type symptoms which no Doctor could get to the bottom of. I would get tingling and numbness down one arm or on one side of my face, and I was sure I had some kind of disease like Multiple Sclerosis which the Doctors were not picking up!
One day in a book shop I saw a book called “Sweet Poison” by Janet Starr. I don’t quite know what drew me to buy it, but I did, and it was a book all about the artificial sweetener Aspartame (which is used in almost all the diet sodas). As I read Janet’s story I realised she had similar symptoms to mine, and when she gave up her Diet Soda’s the symptoms disappeared. I was inspired to go “cold turkey” off my addictive Diet Coke, and after a few days of strong headaches, I felt better. After 2-3 weeks all of the neurological symptoms and headaches disappeared and my energy levels improved significantly. I also lost weight!
Aspartame (or NutraSweet as it is commonly called) is an “excitotoxin” which means it reacts to specialised receptors in the brain in such a way which leads to the death of certain types of brain cells. It is reported that this highly addictive substance can be a major factor in diseases such as migraines, tumours, vision loss, neurological disorders and endocrine disorders. It is also reported that Aspartame can worsen conditions such as MS, fibromyalgia, ADD, Lupus, Alzheimer’s, Chronic Fatigue, and Depression.
But aren’t diet drinks good for weight loss? Well, no! In fact Aspartame makes us crave carbohydrates. The reason for this is because Aspartame suppresses Dopamine and Serotonin (Brain Neurotransmitters). When your serotonin levels are not allowed to raise as they normally do when you eat carbohydrates you crave more and more food. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter that lets you feel satisfied, so when you use aspartame you have unsatisfiable cravings. The aspartame also poisons your metabolism so you cannot burn calories.
Look around you at all the people you know who drink a lot of diet drinks – chances are they are overweight! One of the best things you can do for your health and your weight is to shun “diet drinks” and any other diet products containing this nasty sweetener. Start drinking more water, exercise and eat and clean, unprocessed diet !

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Posted in Diet

Food Allergies

Signs of a food Intolerance

1, Symptoms come and go – one day you feel fine the next your joints are aching, or you have a headache, and blocked up or bloated, and you don’t know why .Most food intolerances are delayed with symptoms often developing hours after eating the food, making it difficult to identify the offending food. More confusing is that some foods can make you feel better immediately after eating, and only become problematic later.

2, Another sign is that you feel better when you radically change your diet. For example you go on holiday and eat foods you never usually do – you may have avoided the food you are intolerant to. Of course there are other reasons that you feel better on holiday, less stress for example.

Many people never vary their menus, and eat the same foods every day. In my clinic I see many patients whose whole lives have been impacted by food intolerances, for as long as they can remember. They have felt tired, bloated, had headaches, asthma, eczema and / or other classic allergy symptoms. Every day they have eaten wheat or dairy products – classic allergens.

It is impossible to know how well you can feel, if you’ve never felt that good.

Please refer to my website for IgG Testing for more information on how you could improve your well being

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