One common question I get asked from clients is “Can Colonics help my IBS?”
And the answer is – Yes, colonics can definitely be beneficial for IBS sufferers. It certainly can alleviate the common symptoms such as bloating, distended abdomen, and alternating constipation and diarrhea. In fact sufferers often get instant relief and feel like their bowel feels “normal” again for a period of time after a colonic.
However, we must remember that although your tummy may feel better after a colonic, we need to work out the underlying cause of why the bowel is irritated. The medical world will often tell IBS sufferers that there is no cure, and that it is probably stress related. However, in my practise, I often find that stress is not the main issue – and there are usually many things we can do with diet and supplementation to help bring the colon back into balance.
The great thing about having a colonic, is that I am able to see exactly the state of your “poop”! Is it digested properly? Is there evidence of too much yeast in the colon? Is there a lot of mucus which may indicate a food intolerance or something else irritating the bowel?
Most of the time, IBS sufferers have one or more of the following situations going on …
1. Not digesting their food properly, leading to fermentation of the food in the gut and therefore gas and bloating
2. Undiagnosed food intolerances which are literally “irritating” the gut on the way through causing constipation, diarrhea, spasming and bloating
3. Too much yeast in the colon – again causing constipation, diarrhea, bloating and often a host of other unexplained symptoms.
4. Parasites or “bad bugs” in the colon – which again can cause a lot of discomfort in the colon.
5. Lack of beneficial bacteria in the colon which can cause mostly constipation, but also bloating and discomfort.
6. Impacted faeces in the colon – this is the “old stuff” which may be stuck on the colon wall or in various pockets. This old stuff can sit and ferment for years causing many IBS symptoms.
7. The Bowel is too “alkaline”. Normally we think of being alkaline as a good thing, but if the bowel is too alkaline it can cause a problem known as “Putrefactive fermentation” – this is often seen in people who have been on low carbohydrate diets for a long period. The bowel needs fibre from certain carbohydrates to keep the pH balance right. Putrefactive fermentation can cause bloating and gas.
If you are an IBS sufferer and are looking for answers, finding a good Colon Therapist is a great first step. Cleansing the colon, and removing any old waste can do wonders for an unhappy bowel, but if it’s not enough, then a change of diet and perhaps a parasite/yeast cleanse and reinoculation of good bacteria may need to be implemented. Further testing such as Food Intolerance Testing or Comprehensive Stool testing may also be required.