
My interest in health began at the age of 14 due to my own health problems. I saw my first Naturopath at that time, which sparked my interest in natural healing. I had my first colonic aged 18 with tremendous benefits, which educated me about “detoxification” and the health benefits that it can bring.

I worked for 7 years as a Computer Analyst/Programmer over in the UK with a real desire to get into the “natural health” industry. I studied Iridology while working, then aged 29, I gave up the IT Industry altogether to become a full-time Homeopathic student. I studied for 4 years, full-time at the London College of Practical Homeopathy, then obtained an Advanced Diplomia in Homeopathy.

Realising the importance of nutrition in obtaining optimal health, I also began a course with the Plaskett College of Nutritional Medicine in London. Within a year, I was asked to join the “Nutritional Cancer Therapy Trust” (the NCTT) due to the fact that I was studying Nutrition, and I was also a qualified Homeopath so could help a lot with detox symptoms, pain management and controlling tumor growth.

The NCTT was based on Max Gerson’s Cancer therapy, which was developed back in the 1940’s. Dr Plaskett, took Max Gerson’s successful program, and re-designed it to fit more into the “western working” person’s lifestyle. It still revolved around lots of fresh organic juices, coffee enemas, and natural supplementation, and had all the success that the orginial Gerson therapy still does to this day.

My Husband and I decided to move to New Zealand at the end of 2002. It was here that I set up my Homeopathic clinic, specialising in Food intolerances and Digestive health. I also lectured on Homeopathy for The Bay of Plenty College of Homeopathy at their sister college in Christchurch. After 3 years in successful business, we both decided we needed some warmer weather! So, we ended up moving to the beautiful Gold Coast of Australia.

I was lucky enough to work at the Hippocrates Health Centre of Australia (based in Mudgeeraba, Gold Coast) as a Colon Therapist and Iridologist. I trained as a Colon Therapist at the Australian Institute of Healthand became a member of the Australian Colon Health Association in 2005. The Hippocrates Health Centre was a “raw food” only health retreat, which specialised in detoxification, and education in health. It was remarkable the difference that fasting, colonic irrigation, and raw food could make to a persons well-being.

In May 2008, I began Clear Colonics on the Gold Coast, with an aim to help people improve their health through detox methods, gut healing, as well as addressing dietary issues and supplementation.

In February 2022 I studied with The Mind Academy, to become a Master Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner. This was to provide a way to help clients  by addressing mental/emotional blocks and beliefs that may be holding them back.  And so began my new modality … Sally Hawkins Hypnotherapy.  In 2024 I completed a second Hypnotherapy diploma with Paul McKenna

I have also been very involved in the Fitness industry, being a part time Les Mills group fitness instructor off and on for 20 years, and winning two Ms QLD figure Natural bodysculpting titles.

To achieve optimal health, we need to Eat well, live well, and experience JOY in life. If we are happy and healthy, we can enjoy a pretty good life!   I hope you will join me in pursuing your best health moving forward.

Sally Hawkins
LCPH (Licentiate of the College of Practical Homeopathy)
Advanced Diploma in Orion Homeopathic Training

Diploma of Transformational Therapy and Coaching (The Mind Academy)
Member ACHA (Australian Colon Health Association)
Member ATMS (Australian Traditional Medicine Association)